Interesting Google Job Interview

I have just read an interesting book by William Poundstone, he said something like this about one of Google job interview:

You are shrunk to height of nickel & thrown into a blender. your mass is reduced so that your density is the same as usual.The blades start moving in 60 secs.What do you do?

Think about it in few minutes, can you answer this question?
Maybe you would like to test yourself if you are qualified to work in Google or not :p
The answer can be seen by scrolling down: (SPOILER ALERT!!)



















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Ready for the answer? here we go:

in physics, energy of a projectile:


E= energy(of a bottle rocket,let’s say),
m is its mass,
g is gravity,
h is the height the bottle rocket attains.

The height increases in direct proportion with energy (as long as mass stays the same)
suppose you tape two bottle rockets together and light them simultaneously. will the double rocket go any higher? NO.
Because twice the fuel energy but also twice the mass to lift against gravity. That leaves the height,h, unchanged.
The same principle applies to shrunken humans jumping. As long as muscle energy and mass shrink in proportion, jump height should stay the same.

So, the answer is just JUMP.

interesting, isn’t it? :))

2 thoughts on “Interesting Google Job Interview”

  1. sama bgt! bbrp waktu itu gw n temen2 jg lg ngebahas2 buku ini. soal yg ini yg gw msi agak gak kebayang, tp menarik bgt deh tuh buku

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