Category Archives: Uncategorized

So iPad Mini is Out..

It has been less than a week since Apple announced the new iPad Mini. Overall, The design of the new iPad is electrifying although it is not a novel idea.

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Having iPad already, I should think twice to put spendthrift ways in my money buying this device..

Confidence or Hard Work?

Some people argue that confidence and optimism are critical to achieving a dream, while others believe that selfless hard work is the only way to reach a goal.

Rather than relying solely on self assurance and positive outlook, sustained levels of effort and industry must be remained in order to reach a goal. While some claim that a positive outlook alone can bring about good things, and others say only a nose-to-the-grindstone attitude with will get you where you want to be, it seems to me that the former flows from the latter. Most truly successful people are positive and confident hard workers who derive confidence from their work ethic. Goal-seeking people put in so much time and energy because they actually believe that those goals are achievable and probable results of their efforts. This in itself is characteristic of a positive outlook and leads me to believe that these two attitudes can exist independently, but, hard work is the key ingredient to successfully achieving a goal.
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Hard work often results in measurable progress, a gain of experience, and skill development, to name a few. This, in and of itself, will inculcate a positive attitude that will reinforce that strong work ethic. Maintaining a positive outlook and remaining self confident can help goal seekers stay persistent and focused despite the inevitable setbacks that occur on the road to reaching any goal. Although these goal-seeking approaches both do have positive outcomes can individually result in the achievement of goals, goals can only be successfully attained if the goal-seeker is driven by an indefatigable work ethic.

One Last Class

It has already been 20 hours of my GRE class.
Due to my next-studies requirement, I took a GRE class in Kaplan in Jakarta.
From what I’ve learned, GRE is really difficult in their Vocab!

for the Math though, High School’s math in Indonesia is much more difficult. Surely i’m not kidding you. the most difficult of GRE math is combination and permutation.

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Learning math can be doe at home by ourselves. But learning vocab and the other metaphors? can only be taught by the experienced ones. let me give you an example. Many vocabs have different meanings while they are described in a sentence with the ones described word by word in the dictionary. To learn about this, it can only be made sense by learning from someone who really is capable.

well, enjoy

Interesting Google Job Interview

I have just read an interesting book by William Poundstone, he said something like this about one of Google job interview:

You are shrunk to height of nickel & thrown into a blender. your mass is reduced so that your density is the same as usual.The blades start moving in 60 secs.What do you do?

Think about it in few minutes, can you answer this question?
Maybe you would like to test yourself if you are qualified to work in Google or not :p
The answer can be seen by scrolling down: (SPOILER ALERT!!)



















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Ready for the answer? here we go:

in physics, energy of a projectile:


E= energy(of a bottle rocket,let’s say),
m is its mass,
g is gravity,
h is the height the bottle rocket attains.

The height increases in direct proportion with energy (as long as mass stays the same)
suppose you tape two bottle rockets together and light them simultaneously. will the double rocket go any higher? NO.
Because twice the fuel energy but also twice the mass to lift against gravity. That leaves the height,h, unchanged.
The same principle applies to shrunken humans jumping. As long as muscle energy and mass shrink in proportion, jump height should stay the same.

So, the answer is just JUMP.

interesting, isn’t it? :))

The New iPad

Just want to write a simple review about ipad 3, (hey I haven’t even touched it!)

It is just simply amazing that the ipad 3 uses quadcore graphics and dual core for general processing.

The most amazing new thing on the new ipad is nothing else than the Retina Display. It is even higher resolution than any HD devices. It provides 4/3 of HDTV 1920 x 1080 p 😀
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I have seen the WWDC of Apple at , Tim Cook presented the new iPad.
Is it just me or his presentation for me is really boring? I did not see passion from the audience to hear him. Well, no one can be like Steve anyway,, I do really miss his presentation at former WWDCs

Wonder when will it come to Indonesia..

Fun Exam??

UTS kok menyenangkan?? haha jangan kalian berpikir bahwa saya adalah orang gila yang lebih senang ujian daripada tidur ataupun membaca komik.. hal itu terjadi karena memang ujian OOP (Object Oriented Programming) dengan C++ tadi pagi memang sangat menyenangkan.. kenapa? karena soal hari ini 90% sangat mirip, bahkan copy paste dari soal ujian tahun lalu…

haha begitu lihat soalnya, alhamdulillah banget semalem belajar totoal dari soal taun lalu… jadi enak banget dah… coba semua ujian kayak gini… -P

btw gw udah lama banget ya ga ngepost -P sori deh emang ini minggu2 sibuk , sibuk ujian lah, banyak PR lah, kegiatan himpunan dan unit dll… anjrot banyak beut yah?? kadang gw mikir kayaknya kebanyakan kegiatan. tapi gw sih let it flow aja.. yang penting ada skala prioritas dan kegiatan yang gw lakukan tidak menjadi beban tujuan utama kuliah gw… cialis generico online It is said to be the important factor. You will cheapest levitra now be able to maintain a safe zone. When food goes from the stomach into the duodenum (beginning of the small intestine). cialis buy on line There are cialis cheap uk several things anybody can do to sustain the healthy pooping is using professionally designed toilet tool which can be placed under your commode. gw kadi inget ama dosen gw dulu , Pak <a>Budi rahardjo <href = /a> dulu pas kuliah beliau pernah bilang, beliau paling suka dengan multitasking, jadi serba banyak kegiatan, banyak yang ingin dilakukan, sehingga membuat kita jadi orang yang banyak manfaat.. yang jelas jangan ngerugiin diri sendiri lah dengan kegiatan itu.. beliau pernah bilang, " tengah baca buku satu, beliau mulai buka buku lain, dan sehari minimal ngepost blog satu kali, proyek-proyek beliau pun banyak, memang beliau seorang engineer handal di bidangnya..

yang bisa gw lakukan saat ini sih, berusaha menempatkan diri pada berbagai lingkungan. biar gw bisa banyak kenal orang, dan banyak hal bermanfaat yang bisa gw lakukan. tapi dengan kesibukan yang super padat seperti ini, terkadang jadi sulit memilih prioritas.. bahkan bisa-bisa keteteran dalam pengerjaan hal yang lain.. moga2 dengan begini gw bisa berlatih memanaje waktu..

This Romadhon

Hoaaahhh jam 1 dini hari,, kira-kira 3,5 jam menuju subuh, dan 4,5 jam lagi menuju shalat idul fitri..
ga terasa juga rupanya romadhon udah lewat aja… -_-

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Padahal tadi siang pas ceramah jumat, khatibnya bilang gini: "ada hadist yang mengatakan, jika manusia mengetahui rahasia di balki bulan romadhon, maka manusia akan berkeinginan semua bulan adalah bulan romadhon…" hehe.. betul itu pak,, sayangnya gw masih kurang ilmu ni, masih harus banyak belajar lagi tentang hikmah romadhon.. tapi yang ga gw sesali di bulan romadhon ini, gw banyak menemukan hal-hal baru yang mungkin akan mewarnai hidup gw (lingkungan baru ma hobi baru :p) dan alhamdulillah keduanya membawa berkah tersendiri di bulan romadhon ini…

Besok pun rencananya setelah sholat id dan bersilaturahmi ma sodara2.. bakalan pergi ke Kuala Lumpur.. hehe..

Oia,, gw juga mo ngucapin met Lebaran ye.. maapin gw kalo banyak salah, bagaimanapun juga gw manusia yang pastinya tak luput dari berbuat dosa… moga2 aja setelah puasa sebulan kmaren, dosa2 kita dibersihkan dan pada hari fitri ini, diri kita akan bersih suci lagi seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan.. amiiiinnnnnnnnn -)

Met Liburan juga yeee… -P

Link Flickr

heheee… udah bisa, jadi alamat baru flickr gw:

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My First Flickr

Akhirnya gw buat juga Flickr, alamatnya di sini nih:

nih background blog hasil jepretan gw, objeknya jam tangan yang dibeli bokap..

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My first DSLR

Wiiii alhamdulillah… akhirnya kebeli juga kamera yang udah lama gw idamkan… Nikon D40X
hehe… hadiah lebaran ma ulangtahun nih,, skalian deh jadi satu -P

Udah dari beberapa bulan lalu sih kebelet banget pingin kamera ini.. akhirnya setelah diijinin ma bokap, tadi siang gw pergi ke Ratu Plaza ma nyokap.. Soalnya katanya di sana ada toko khusus kamera Nion yang bisa bergaransi .. alhamdulillah ternyata tak begitu sulit untuk menemukan letak toko tersebut,, karena ternyata tokonya berseberangan tempat bokap dulu beli laptop..
Melihat banyak DSLR terpampang di etalase, langsung terbit air liur .. (emang mau dimakan ya?)
ada Nikon D40X, D80, D200, lalu Canon EOS 400D dan beberapa laptop yang tertampang di situ..
kalo yang dari dulu udah kebelet sih, yang imut2 aja buat fotografer amatiran , D40X!! heh heh heh..
Masuklah gw ke toko dan berbincang-bincang hangat dengan mbak2 penjaga toko untuk menanyakan D40X tersebut.. (ce ileh romantis amet)
Di sebelah gw, datanglah seorang lelaki yang tampaknya berprofesi sebagai fotografer pro, abis kliatan aja gitu dari cara berpakaiannya, dan tas bawaannya..
Dia menanyakan tentang lensa Nikon yang berteknologi baru, yaitu VR (Vibration Reduction),, yang gw tau harganya bisa 8 jutaan buat yang ukuran dia beli itu.. (wuihh,,) Dari tas itu dia keluarkan Nikon D80 dan dia mulai mengetes lensa yang akan dibelinya..
Sementara itu, Meanwhile, di sebelahya ada gw ma nyokap gw yang masih awam banget tentang DSLR.. hehe jadi malu sndiri, gw aja tadinya ga tau gimana cara nyabut ma masang lensa.. -D
Yaa.. maklumlah, baru juga belajar -P itu juga minjem2 punya tmen..
Emang sih tingkat kepekaan ma sensitivitasnya (sama aja yah?) tinggi.. jadi buat jepret sana jepret sini tuh keren.. nih hasil fotografi perdana D40X gw -P hehehe…


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tar gw buat flickr ah..